Meeting H.S.H Prince Albert II

Unexpected moments are the best in Monaco and it was a real honour to meet and discuss with H.S.H Prince Albert II simply … on my way home. This is my Monaco, this is our Principality, it could be yours !


Thanks Forbes Monaco for the highlights on my work. It is always a pleasure to give information you cannot find anywhere else… So many articles about properties and Real Estate in Monaco are “unreal”, too glamorous and far from reality. We are talking business here ! And I am grateful to be a part of it ! 🙏

“One Monte-Carlo” – Delivery on time !

The “One Monte Carlo” Condominium with hotel services should be delivered in February 2019. Already one third of the properties are pre-booked, i.e. already 48% of the surfaces available for rent. The most luxurious units are six “Triplex” apartments, four are already booked (!) with a monthly rent of approximately 200.000 € / month.

For the clients interested, we can access now a show flat in a few days.

Concerning the works, the initial budget seems respected with a 5% overspending rate only, they had to face many difficulties including problems with the glazed windows and lifts which were not complying with some regulations.

A brand new restaurant, the “Mada One”will be opened at the bottom of the office tower providing breakfast, lunch, teatime and afterwork drinks. A delivery service will be available.

(source: Monaco Matin – 27th of November, 2018)

Guide simple de l’achat immobilier en Principauté de Monaco

Lorsque que vous avez trouvé un bien qui correspond à vos critères et que vous souhaitez lancer le processus d’acquisition, nous vous accompagnons dans les différentes étapes nécessaires.

19 Jan 2005 — Row of Old Books — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Etape n°1- L’offre d’achat et la négociation.
Une offre écrite: Aucune négociation en Principauté ne peut démarrer sans une offre d’achat écrite, rédigé par nos soins. Un agent immobilier ne transmet pas d’offre oralement. Seuls certains cas exceptionnels justifieraient cet usage.

Une offre détaillée: L’offre écrite permet de présenter l’acquéreur, le détail et descriptif des biens concernés, le prix proposé ainsi que les modalités et échéances de l’acquisition. Le document présente aussi le montant des frais de notaire payés par l’acquéreur (6% du prix de vente). En Principauté de Monaco, l’acheteur doit aussi payer une commission à l’agent immobilier en rémunération de son intervention. Ces honoraires sont de 3% en sus, calculés sur le prix de vente + TVA 20 % (sur les 3%) – commission d’usage pour les agents immobiliers membres de la chambre immobilière de Monaco.

Une offre soutenue par un acompte: L’engagement sincère et la bonne foi de l’acquéreur doivent être confortés par un acompte qui sera encaissé par le notaire une fois l’offre acceptée. Cet acompte permet de démontrer au vendeur le sérieux de l’offre proposée. Convenu à une somme de 10% du prix de vente dans la plupart des cas, cet acompte varie suivant les situations. A Monaco, il est généralement établi avec un chèque simple issu d’une banque de la Principauté de Monaco ou un virement bancaire dès acceptation de l’offre. Sauf indication contraire de la part de l’acquéreur, ce dernier n’est jamais encaissé par le notaire avant l’accord des deux parties.

Une offre ayant valeur juridique: L’offre d’achat est un document qui a une véritable valeur juridique en Principauté de Monaco. Lorsque celle ci est acceptée et soutenue par un chèque d’acompte, l’offre acceptée est un engagement ferme des deux parties. Si l’acquéreur venait à se retirer de la transaction après que le vendeur ait accepté la vente, le chèque d’acompte lui est acquis de plein droit. A l’inverse, face à un vendeur défaillant, l’acompte est rendu et le notaire contraint le vendeur à verser une indemnité du même montant. dans ce cas, une procédure visant à contraindre le vendeur à rendre la vente effective peut être envisagée.

Une offre suivie d’un compromis de vente ? La possibilité est laissée aux deux parties de convenir de la signature d’un compromis de vente. Plus détaillé qu’une simple offre d’achat et préparant l’acte authentique, il permet de conforter les deux parties dans leurs intention s respectives tout en les protégeant par-devant notaire. Cette phase peut s’avérer utile dans le cas de transaction ou la signature sous forme authentique est lointaine ou lorsque la complexité d’une situation l’exige.

Etape n°2 – La responsabilité du Notaire et l’Acte Authentique.
Le notaire est un officier public agissant pour le compte de l’Etat. Il confère aux actes qu’il rédige un gage d’authenticité. Cela signifie qu’il possède des prérogatives de puissance publique. Le notaire est avant tout un professionnel qui a le pouvoir d’authentifier les actes en apposant son sceau et sa propre signature. Il constate personnellement la volonté exprimée par les parties et engage sa responsabilité sur le contenu et sur la date de l’acte.

L’acte authentique par son formalisme confirme le contenu de la vente et l’entente entre les parties avec force probante et exécutoire. Cet acte s’impose avec la même force qu’un jugement définitif. Il établit la nouvelle propriété à une date certaine et protège efficacement vos intérêts en toute transparence.

En Principauté de Monaco, nous pouvons vous accompagner chez le notaire de votre choix. Trois études sont à votre disposition:

Aureglia-Caruso Nathalie – Adresse Postale: 4 boulevard des Moulins, 98000 Principauté de Monaco – Tel. 93 10 60 60 – Fax. 93 30 50 54

Crovetto-Aquilina Magali – Adresse Postale : 31 Boulevard Charles III, 98000 Principauté de Monaco – Tel. 93 50 54 13 – Fax. 93 30 56 73

Rey Henry – Adresse Postale : 2 rue Colonel Bellando de Castro, 98000 Principauté de Monaco Tel. 93 30 41 50- Fax. 93 30 05 22

We are just… experts !

Often misunderstood or caricatured, the Monegasque property market is complex and requires the assistance of a Monaco real estate expert to be fully understood. Our property agents have spent a great deal of time getting to know the areas of the Principality, as well as the types of properties available to buy in each. On a daily basis, our experienced estate agents in Monaco deal with transactions for all types of properties, matching buyers with their dream homes in the Mediterranean’s most sought-after location.

My office offers thediligent services of experienced estate agents in Monaco, each of whom possesses market intelligence, professional experience, and strong negotiating skills. Our deep knowledge of the Principality’s property market and our commitment to exceeding your expectations discerns our service from those offered by other agencies.

Whether purchasing a home in which to live, a second home for your family, or a property as an investment, our team can immediately pick up a trend and provide you with up-to-date and relevant information: we can provide a comprehensive oversight of each area within Monaco; we can advise on the best locations for access to schools and attractions; and, for investments, we can identify emerging trends and will present you with the best market opportunities. From start to finish, our office is on hand to provide expert knowledge for the purchase of your property in Monaco.

Why Monaco ?

Real estate in Monaco: a necessary luxury

A customer wishing to invest in property in Monaco means a promise made to him by the Principality: of a Micro independent State on the Riviera in the heart of Europe that will ensure a peaceful and stable environment for their real estate investment.

In our business, selling that luxury is above all to have this proposal strength designed for a rare and demanding clientele. We participate in the lives of hundreds of people: owners, buyers and tenants who renew their trust in us every day.

Living in the Principality is to capture a share of dreams and live a true reality that we will make you discover.

The choice of Excellence

If Monaco continues to inspire dreams and represents refinement, the Principality also offers a reality with exceptional benefits. Located in the heart of Europe, this state welcomes residents and visitors with enthusiasm and generosity, with a quality of life second to none. Its privileged climate, absolute safety and stability make it a unique place.

Major events such as the F1 Grand Prix, the Monaco Yacht Show, the Monte Carlo Tennis Masters 1000 or the Circus Festival have contributed to its international prestige.

The choice of serenity

At the forefront of innovation in cutting-edge sectors, Monaco has become a label of creativity and excellence worldwide. Combining ethics and professionalism, the Principality has risen to the level of the most traded financial centres of the world. Its advantageous tax incentive framework allows you to boost your business and expand your wealth with confidence.

Whether you chose to live or only invest in Monaco, you enter a world of elegance and success up to your ambitions.

Residence Permit in Monaco

Be prepared ! The Surete Publique (Police) has recently strengthened rules during the procedure for obtaining the residence Permit. Of course, Monaco is a desirable country and diligence is the master key ! Indeed, you must be really prepared and now choose the correct type of property with your Real Estate agent in order to meet regular standards and comply with local rules. Your banker can also  assist you on the financial side. I am likely to provide you with more info about the requested types of property depending on your situation. Feel free to contact me on my several accounts.

A quick video here to give you more information 🙂

Why buying a property from a « Marchand de biens » isn’t such a bad idea ?

When your agent tells you more about a property and reveals that the owner is a « Marchand de biens », your first ideas are most of time:

  • « he bought first and cheaper, and now I will pay full price »
  •  « I won’t buy, this owner will not make money at my expenses »
  • «I should have been the first for buying cheap »
  •  « I am sure the level of quality/ finishings is not the one I am expecting »

I would tell you need to think twice here.

For the last eight years, « Marchand de biens » have been working more and more in the Principality of Monaco as they benefits from tax /registration fees advantages while redoing properties on a strong real estate market. Acting as a “marchand de Biens” is easier than ever before, and of course several « Marchand de biens » were clearly redoing properties to make money with a certain lack of quality.

But I must admit that they are not the majority.

Today, the rules to refurbish properties are quite tough and developers are helped with Monegasques architects to fill in a complete registration processes to prove everything is in order until delivery. The Notary guarantees that the sale is perfectly and honestly done.  They use foreign and local compagnies to do the works and you can always rely on these professionals for after service. And keep in mind that the first aim is to sell at the best possible price, and quality matters.

So my advice is for you to focus more on the proposed property than on the owner you don’t know.

If the apartment is presented to you and you accepted to view it, it is almost meeting your budget range and requirements.

Moreover, you should keep a clear idea of your project. Do you know what It takes to refurbish a property in Monaco? If you are used to it, or even helped by a local partner, redoing a property can take from three months to a year depending on the surface and type of projects. Are you really prepared for such a project/budget?

The price you are paying for a property owned by a « Marchand the biens » includes time, means and professional efforts to renovate a property driven to the best current standards; the apartment is ready to live in, or rent out.

Of course, even if it not an easy task to cope with, your agent is more likely to sell you a property of quality, for your satisfaction first, and/or to get this property in management, or later resale without any issues.

Once again, trust your agent to defend your best interests as he/she is certainly working with you in a long term perspective.